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A little about us...

We are Cokeville's local non-profit

The purposes for which the Cokeville Miracle Foundaion is formed are, in general, to promote, sponsor and carry out projects which will enhance the community quality of life, encourage personal and community growth, recognize and encourage worthy achievement, aknowledge the blessing of heaven, assist fellow citizens and create extraordinary memorials to great lives and events tht have affected our community and the larger world.

             (Article I. Bylaws of Cokeville Miracle Foundation)



Our Projects



Community Outreach - Assist fellow citizens, enhancing community quality of life.     

Scholarship - Recognize and encourage worthy achievement.

Minerva Teichert - create extraordinary memorials to great lives.

1986 Remembrance - Acknowledge the blessing of Heaven.




"On the Prowl" Dave Wade prints - Enhancing the community quality of life.


Witness to Miracles; Remembering the Cokeville Elementary School Bombing (Returning to print May 2015)





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