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A Word About Us


What We Believe

•God is a Triune Person Who Co-exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each Person of The Holy Trinity has existed for ever and for all eternity.
•Jesus is fully God. He has ALWAYS existed. There was NEVER a time when He did not exist. He was NOT created but has always existed. He is "I AM, Jehovah, Yahweh, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He took on flesh at the virgin birth and became a man. He is now the "God-Man."
•Salvation is by faith alone in Jesus. One must place their faith in Christ and rest on His death on Calvary as punishment for sins in order to be forgiven by God. To be (what the Bible calls) "Justified" (which means to be made right with God) one trusts in Jesus; His righteousness, His substitution as our Redeemer and Atonement. Justification is by Faith Alone in Christ Alone.
•Eternal Security - Once a person is "in Christ" they are always in Christ and can never be separated from Him. Some denominations call this "once saved always saved."
•Scripture - The Bible is God's Word, His perfect Revelation, His Complete Revelation of Who He is and His will. It is inerrant.
•The Church - All Christians who have placed their faith in Christ as Savior compose The Church. No matter what denomination they are from (Lutheran, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Non-denominational – etc.) they belong to the universal church. This was referred to as the "catholic church" for many centuries. This is not the same as the Roman Catholic Church, for that is a denomination.
•Other doctrines: Can be expressed this way, we believe every single word of Scripture as written in The Holy Bible. We affirm the Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed. We believe in literal heaven, hell, angels, demons, life everlasting, and 2nd Coming of Christ and His 1000 year reign on earth (following The Tribulation – this view is called “Pre Trib”),which will then transition into the Eternal State of Perfection, heaven on earth.


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